Customer Testimonials

Very Easy! Customer service was excellent! Did not disappoint thank you very much from me and my family couldn’t have had it any other way! Anonymous Not Known 1/08/2022
Good easy to deal with Todd Harding Isuzu D-Max 31/07/2022
Driving By / Walking Past / Walk In Comments

A F Janbre Hyundai Iload 30/07/2022
Friendly, helpful. The experience was good, I felt at ease and looked after. When a small issue developed with the car post purchase it was sorted efficiently. Brenda Goulding Holden Cruze 24/07/2022
From Friend / Relative / Word of Mouth Referral Awesome Imtiez Ali Toyota Hiace 21/07/2022
I walked in without an appointment spoke to Adesh + Paul & was able to trade-in my vehile, arrange finance & drive out with my 2016 Holden Colorado within a few hours. Excellent service! Robert Holden Colorado 21/07/2022
Really excellent customer service and really easy to deal with. Fast and efficient and a great service. Truely the best car dealership I have delt with highly recommended to all who go through merchant motors Bat Outta Hull Limited Ford Ranger 21/07/2022
Very good. John Toyota Hilux SR5 20/07/2022
Easy, fast and simple and very happy. Cheers Dave and Michelle. Chill As Air Toyota Hiace 12/07/2022
Easy and efficient Brittany Larsen Honds Fit RS 3/07/2022
Very good efficient service, friendly and easy to deal with Samantha Mitsubishi Outlander 2/07/2022
Overall good service from start to finish, knowledgeable team. Teresa Kyd Toyota Hilux SR5 1/07/2022
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